What can I expect from a reading?

It is important to remember that the future is only probable, and that we live in a world of free will. That which happens in life is influence by our thoughts, beliefs, intentions,  and unconscious programs. Therefore, whenever you release a belief, change a goal or your expectations, your future will likely change also.

It is possible to look at probably futures for people during a reading. However, more often than not, when asked to make predictions about the future, Spirit view these requests as that person asking them to help create a better future. Rather than providing a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer, I work with Spirit to provide insight and guidance  that would rather lead you to understanding what you could do to change and/or improve your current situation. This allows yon more than you to hold a higher vision of yourself and your potential, through which Spirit can assist you  to become aware of your own truths, release old patterns and beliefs, so that you can start creating the experiences that you want.

Therefore, I aim to work with Spirit in a manner that helps address those issues in your specific areas or questions in your life to guide you in a direction to assist you in creating the future you would like to manifest for yourself.

If you are truly psychic, then why can’t you predict lottery numbers? 


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