Nonavee Dale

Hi, I just wanted to post my testimonial to support Vida as a spirit medium. 8 years ago, Vida helped my husband and I through a very difficult and challenging time, both as a person and as a spirit guide. She gave me a reading when I faced a difficult decision as I had strong feelings of loyalty to an unsuitable partner at that time. She helped me to let go and realize that continuing a relationship for such a reason would not benefit either of us. She originally gave my husband a reading where she said that the “girl with dark, curly hair” was the right one for him. She also said that we would have three children together. When he got over his shyness to call and go on a date, he found out that I had always wanted 3 children. 

We have been happily married since 2004, have two beautiful children together (five and seven), and Shane’s daughter (18) came to live with us four years ago.

Life can always be a challenge - but we are suited to one an
other as partners and have always been grateful for her advice and gift at that critical time.

I remember Vida's guidance as having such a strength and clarity - it wasn't to flatter you or help you to stay in a dreamy mode, but rather to help you to "wake up". 

I still remember some of her reactions/answers to other questions I asked at the time. Now I understand exactly why, but she just knew.

-Nonavee Dale, Stillwater, Auckland, NZ.

 (Posted on Facebook on 28 May 2012)

Lynne O’Brien (aka AngelWitch)

I have known Vida for about 5 years; sharing life, friendship, the spirit and a love of Divinitry.

Vida, who immigrated here from South Africa, in her childhood, is clairvoyant and reads Oracle cards (which are different from Tarot) but these are merely a tool, or ‘tuning’ fork to what is primarily a psychic reading.

Her work in the spiritual community, as a reader, is extensive, spanning over many years and she continues to develop her spiritual studies and skills to the highest levels.

Vida works with her angels and your guides to receive clear messages of Directional Guidance for you.

In other words; ways for you to help yourself to achieve success in your life.

Some of her work – depending on whether spirit will allow us to see, is predictive [ bear in mind that sometimes spirit think it may be counter-productive to our learning and development, to see what is ahead] and we have had many delightful moments, over the years, experiencing events that Vida has ‘seen’ a long time before.

As a reader myself, there are few people I will let read for me, and even fewer of those who are genuinely accurate, helpful and do not attach their own views to a reading.                                                       

Vida has always provided me with clear, concise, and constructive readings.

There is no other that I trust to read for me, to the same high quality.

Vida has also been successful in assisting families seeking genealogical / historical threads and helped a family recover an abducted child. Without her insight, the people involved may not have been aware of the abductor’s fragile emotional state, nor would he have received the psychological support that he so desperately needed, and the outcome could have been quite tragic.

I highly recommend Vida’s clairvoyant skills to everyone. 


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